Thursday, May 31, 2012

Class in depth study about food: investigative journalism

In my English 12 class room we watched an Oprah full eposibe Oliver's Food Revolution, and Anne Cooper on Ted Talks. All of this three eposides all were relating to the topic of food. In the Oprah a completely vegan diet was dissucsed. As voulnteers Oprah's cast decided to praticpate in a two week long only vegan diet. The reactions were varied. Some of Oprah's cast loved the vegan way and didnt see much of a diffrence in their energy throughout the day but others thought it was terrrible and all they wanted to do was basically eat a big huge steak. I thought it was intresting how much they contrasted. The second video we watched was an Oliver's Food Revolution eposide. In this eposide Oliver went into a LA school districts cafteria to try to change it to a much heathier diet. Oliver showed many suprsing stastics about the average school lunch provided in American it shocked me. He also talked about how the less ingredients in a food, the better.