Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Research Topic: Drugs

I choose the topic of drugs for my topic. The major reason why i chose this topic is becasue in this day and age drugs are used for many diffrent reasons some good and some bad. I think the topic is very intresting and can be looked at in many diffrent viewpoints. I have had people close to me who have delt with problems and postives with drug use. Such as perscription drugs they can do postives where harmfull unnatural drugs can really hurt and change a person. I think its intresting to examine the statstics behind drugs and how they affect diffrent people. I know that alot depends on how one is affected by drugs such as: gender,age,genetics and much more.
Another reason why I chose the topic of drugs was because i want to work at a nursing home when im older. It is a very unlikely site to see a elder at a nursing home who dosent take a handfull of pills throughout the day. Drugs used as medcine can be very benifical and if used wrong can be deathly. It would be intresting to look at all sides of drug use. I think that another diffrent aspect of drugs to study in detail would be the FDA. The FDA basically makes or breaks a drug. A legal one that is. I'm sure the FDA has to go through many proccess and trails to pass a drug. I think that could potenially be another field that I am intrested in.